
How to Replace a Battery in a Mazda Key Fob

Replacing the battery in your Mazda key fob doesn’t have to be a daunting task. In fact, with the right tools and a bit of guidance, it can be a quick and simple demonstration of your DIY skills. This guide is designed to provide you with an easy DIY approach for your key fob battery replacement.

Whether you’re dealing with a dead battery or just looking to prepare for the future, understanding how to change the battery in your Mazda key fob is valuable knowledge.

Step by Step: Replacing Your Mazda Key Fob Battery

Step 1: Gather the Necessary Items

First, ensure you have all the necessary items. You will need a new CR2025 battery. This is the battery you need for your Mazda key fob. Also, grab a small flathead screwdriver. This tool will help you open the key fob case without damaging it.

Step 2: Remove the Metal Auxiliary Key

To start, press the auxiliary key button on the back of your key fob. This action will release the metal auxiliary key. Removing this key is the first step in accessing the battery compartment.

Step 3: Open the Key Fob Case

Next, use your flathead screwdriver to pry open the case. Place the screwdriver in the slot and gently pry the halves apart. Be careful to avoid scratching the key fob case. Opening the Mazda key fob is simple once you know where to apply pressure.

Step 4: Replace the Old Battery

Now, you’re ready to replace the old battery. First, remove the battery cover. Then, carefully take out the dead battery. Pay attention to the small rubber ring; try not to damage it.

Insert the replacement battery, making sure the positive side is facing up. This is crucial for the Mazda key fob to function correctly. Once in place, put the cover back on. Reattach both halves of the key fob case. Press firmly until you hear a click. This sound indicates the case is securely closed.